BLUF club and group listings

Centaur MC (Centaur Motorcycle Club)

Washington, D.C., USA

PO Box 34061 Washington DC 20043

Centaur Motorcycle Club (Centaur MC) consists of a group of men with an enthusiastic interest in motorcycles, leather and other men. The club sponsors Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend (MAL); Mr. Mid-Atlantic Leather Contest (Mr. MAL); and the bi-annual woodsy recreational Labor Day Weekend event, Olympia. The Club takes both a serious and irreverent approach to designing events for the amusement and enjoyment of the greater Leather Community. Centaur MC also participates in a wide variety of philanthropic and social fundraising events.

Membership available

This club is part of AMCC (Atlantic Motorcycle Coordinating Council)

Information from BLUF last updated by AusTool2003 (2446) at Sat Jan 25 23:20:24 2020 UTC


The clubs in this list have been curated by BLUF members.

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