BLUF Local: Minneapolis

The first BLUF event in Minneapolis took place on July 11, 2015, at the EagleBolt Bar. A group of local BLUF members decided to begin organizing ongoing events with the goal to introduce those interested in leather uniforms to BLUF and to provide an opportunity for members to socialize locally.

Minneapolis is a major city in the Upper Midwest region of the United States of America. The leather community is progressive and rich in clubs and groups supportive of fetishes and various sexual expressions. BLUF Minneapolis is part of Minnesota Leather Pride, an organization dedicated to celebrating leather culture and history.

If you live in Minneapolis or you are visiting, reach out to us. We'd love to meet you.

BLUF in Minneapolis is organised by Ivan Nunez aka Sir Ivan (3396)


BLUF Local Not a BLUF member? You can still keep in touch, by registering for news by email. Enter your address, and we'll send you a link to register for news

This Local is followed by 42 BLUF members and 82 non-members.

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BLUF Blog: Minneapolis

BLUF Minneapolis on Telegram

BLUF Minneapolis is excite to launch a Telegram Chat Group to enhance engagement and communication. In addition to the BLUF website, this new communication channel will provide BLUF Minneapolis members and friends with real-time updates and conversation, streamlined communication, and a centralized hub for Minneapolis local related information.

The Telegram

Published 04 Jun 2024 • More

The promise of a new year

2023 was a quiet year for BLUF Minneapolis. Our local group didn’t meet much officially, although we are a small community and members saw each other often at a variety of local leather events.

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Twin Cities Leather Weekend 2023

November 3rd thru 5th, the leather community of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St Paul will gather to celebrate TCL weekend. This annual event focuses on the contest to select the next TCL title holder. The event brings visitors from around the USA, particularly from the Midwest region. Activities

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The Eagle Minneapolis new branding and new life

After a few years in limbo about its future, the Minneapolis Eagle comes back with a new attitude. Known until recently as the EagleBOLTbar, this bar in downtown Minneapolis has served as the unofficial home to the Minneapolis BLUF meet-and-greet and other leather and fetish clubs and events.

Shortly before

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